OliveWood Academy 2024-2025 Enrollment
We are thrilled to have your family as part of the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Please submit this form for each child individually.
Curiosity, Explorers, Discovery, and Logic Studios: Cost of tuition is $42 per day which is equivalent to $2,520 for our 30-week academic year. Tuition can be paid in full or in 10 monthly installments, with the first payment due on August 1st, 2024. A non-refundable $150 curriculum fee is required per child, due at the time of registration.
Launch Studio: Cost of tuition is $21 per day which is equivalent to $1,260 for our 30-week academic year. Tuition can be paid in full or in 10 monthly installments, with the first payment due on August 1st, 2024. A non-refundable $75 curriculum fee is required per child, due at the time of registration.
If a family has more than 2 children enrolled, a multi-child discount of 50% will be applied for those additional children.
There is a 10% early registration discount for families that register before March 1st, 2024.
Please complete this enrollment form once for each child.