We believe the way you learn matters 

OliveWood Academy is a hybrid co-school that seeks to come alongside homeschooling families by providing unique opportunities for learning within a biblically minded community. Eagles develop skills in collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking through problem based group projects. They also grow independence in learning through self-paced mastery of reading, writing and math skills through individualized deliberate practice. At OliveWood Academy, failure is celebrated instead of avoided by teaching Eagles to fail early, fail often, and fail productively. The undertone of all we do is to reflect the image of God and disciple the Eagles in finding and developing their God-given purpose to glorify the Lord in all they do.

The Details

We are a hybrid co-school that serves students from age 5 through high school. For the 2021-2022 academic year, we have four multi-age studios. Curiousity Studio is for children 5-7 years old.  Discovery Studio is for 7-11 years old. Logic Studio is for learners 11-14 years old. Launch Studio is for learners 14 and up.

We meet two days a week on campus for individualized, learner driven core skills (Math, Literacy) development, Socratic discussions, and problem-based collaborative projects.  The remaining three days, students are homeschooled and continue learner driven core skills development at home, while supplementing with what you value in your homeschool. 

Our Typical Schedule

8:45 am Launch (Socratic Discussion)

9:00 am Individual Daily Goal Setting

9:10 am Math Block

10:00 am Break

10:15 am Literacy Block

11:00 am Art on Mondays, P.E. on Tuesdays

12:00 pm Lunch/Recess

12:45 pm DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)

1:00 pm Quest (Problem-based collaborative projects)

2:30 pm Studio Maintenance

2:45 pm Closing

3:00 pm Dismissal


  • Learner driven, self-paced mastery of reading, writing and math skills through individualized deliberate practice

  • Real-world tools and skills through hands-on problem-based quests and collaboration

  • Critical thinking and powerful communication through Socratic discussions

  • Authentic relationships through written contracts that form a tightly bound community led by Eagles

  • Failure is celebrated instead of avoided by teaching Eagles to fail early, fail often and fail productively

Financial Commitment

Financial Commitment is $42 per day for each enrolled child which is total of $2,520 for the 30-week school year. A multi-child discount is available for families with more than two children enrolled. Children are dropped off for those two days and we do not require parent volunteer hours or contributions outside of tuition.  

A $150 curriculum fee is required per child which covers individual annual licenses and curriculum for Literacy, Math, Goal Setting, and Quests. Laptops and headphones are required for all Discovery, Logic and Launch Eagles, which are supplied by the family.